The case of Northeast Somalia as a Federal Member State
Northeast Somalia encompasses the Sanaag and Sool regions . Area wise , cover 60% of former British Somaliland , approximately . The people in these regions overwhelmingly believe in Somalia’s territorial integrity and are against Somaliland’s unilateral separation . Both neighboring Somaliland and Puntland administrations claim the area over different strategies . First , Somaliland claims the area based on a past colonial border that was dismantled after Somalia attained independence on June 26 and July 01 , 1960 , respectively . Puntland believes these regions should stay within their territory on clan affiliation grounds . However , with the exception of few self-serving individuals , the majority of the people in Sanaag and Sool regions do not align themselves politically with either administration .
The area has been exploited politically and its resources looted largely because after Somalia’s last government was overthrown in 1991 , no armed militia operated in these regions . Soon after , Northwest Somalia fell for the previously defeated SNM militia armed by Ethiopia Mengistu regime . The SNM declared it seceded from the rest of Somalia in 1991 and had a strong presence in the Togdheer and Waqooyi Galbeed regions . The unscrupulous peace conference on Buroa 1991 held on the pretext of peace , in which clans in the North agreed to live in peace and terminated the hostilities against one another , was nonetheless free of political persuasions . However , SNM proponents translated the event later into an independence amalgam , a quest for unilateral separation . The Puntland area fell to the hands of the SSDF (Somali Salvation Democratic Front ) . Then , the prolonged civil war was looming in South-Central Somalia . The Northeast region succumbed to the political void and has been acted upon by neighboring states since Somalia’s last central government seized to exist .
The people of Sanaag and Sool are excluded from the development opportunities ; hundreds of thousands are denied basic services including health care , sanitation , and clean water provisions . Somaliland and Puntland militaries equipped with lethal weapons , operate in both Sanaag and Sool regions , causing people to flee from their houses and livelihoods . For long , the region hosted several administrations including Maakhir State , Khatumo State , but these administrations failed because of lack of support from the Somalia Federal Government and the UN Office .
A permanent solution is needed for the Sanaag and Sool peoples as these regions will not yield either to the secessionists ‘ incursions nor they will accept Puntland’s one clan dominated government . We urge the Federal Government of Somalia , in particular , President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and the Prime Minister , Hassan Ali Khaire , to take the lead and grant recognition to the Northeast State Government as a full member of the FGS . The UN Office and the international community’s indifference to the plight of the people of Sool and Sanaag have no justification , whatsoever . The issue was raised to the Head of the UNPOS H . E Mr. Keating as well as to the AU , IGAD and the United States . Mohamud A Abdalle
The Northeast Federal State of Somalia
Office of the President
For Immediate Release
The Northeast State of Somalia condemns the violent actions of Somaliland against the innocent civilians in Sool and Sanaag regions of Somalia. We mourn the heartbreaking loss in Laas Anood and Erigabo. The violence that led to the senseless death of eight innocent protestors and the wounding of over 100 is unacceptable. We call on the international community, particularly the United States (US), the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) to designate the current Somaliland regime as spoilers who are undermining political and security progress in Somalia.
Somaliland’s marginalization of Sool and Sanaag regions has contributed to increase clan and sub-clan fissures that could potentially lead to a civil war. Influential leaders in Hargeisa, including Faisal Ali Warabe and Musa Biixi have publicly endorsed and advocated for a military cleansing campaign to forcefully remove communities in Sool and Sanaag regions. Credible reports indicate that Somaliland military have in recent months committed atrocities killings in Kalshale, Buuhoodle, Erigabo and Las Anood as part of a coordinated effort to suppress political decent.
We call on the international community and particularly the United States government to support the Northeast Federal State government to establish institutions and governance for the state.
H.E. Ali Ahmed Fatah
Former President, the Northeast Federal State of Somalia